Teaching at the University of Alberta

Note: Syllabi available on this page are from the most recent past section of the course. The syllabus may change from term to term, but the syllabi provided here will give students an idea of the content and coursework involved.

Upcoming Courses: Winter 2019

PSYCO 212 – Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology (Syllabus) (USRI rating = 4.43)
This class will provide an introduction to basic scientific methodology. Hopefully, by the end of the term you will have the skills to (1) interpret, critically evaluate, and discuss scientific research (both your own and others), (2) design and conduct your own scientific experiments, and (3) clearly and concisely communicate scientific results to other through APA-style research reports.

PSYCO 447/505 - Self & Identity (Syllabus)(USRI rating = 4.90)
This seminar style course reviews theory and research on the self, primarily from a social psychological perspective. Topics include: the nature of the self, search for self knowledge, self development, self-cognition, self-regulation of behavior, self presentation, self-esteem, self and relationships, clinical and cultural perspectives on the self, and the role of the self in health.

Other Recent Courses:

PSYCO 241 – Social Psychology (Syllabus)(USRI rating = 4.50)
Social psychology can be broadly defined as the scientific investigation of how perceptions and behaviour are influenced by their social environment. The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the science of social psychology, highlighting the most influential theories and research in the field. In addition to examining the research methods used in historical and contemporary empirical investigations, this course will explore various research topics in social judgment, social influence, and social relationships. We will also discuss how social psychological research has been applied in legal contexts.

PSYCO 333 – Personality Theory (Syllabus)(USRI rating = 4.55)
This course is an introductory survey including representative theoretical points of view and research relevant to the major problems of the study of personality. In addition to examining the research methods used in empirical investigations of personality, we will cover several different theoretical approaches to or perspectives on the study of personality. The approaches we will consider include the dispositional, biological, psychoanalytic, neo-analytic, learning, phenomenological, and cognitive self-regulation perspectives. This course will also cover current empirical investigations into the nature and function of personality, the influence of culture, the influence of personality on behavioral and mental health problems, and how the personality concepts described in the lectures and text may (or may not) be reflected in real world examples.

PSYCO 347 – Interpersonal Relationships (Syllabus) (USRI rating = 4.68)
This course will provide a general overview of research and theory in the domain of relationships, based on classic and contemporary findings from the social psychological literature. Most of the course content will focus on adult romantic relationships. For example, you will learn about the factors that influence the development of romantic relationships, individual differences that affect how people function in relationships, and typical patterns of conflict in relationships. You will also learn about the scientific methods used by researchers in social psychology to conduct valid research. It is my hope that you will be able to use this knowledge of research methods to be able to critically evaluate studies that you read about in scholarly journals, or hear about in the news.